SEO Speedrun: 10 Ways to Get Google Indexing Your Website in a Flash

Rohit - Content Writer/ Webmaster
7 Min Read

The world of SEO moves fast, and in the race for visibility, every second counts. So, you’ve just launched a stunning website, packed with incredible content, but it’s nowhere to be found in Google’s search results? Relax, impatient marketer, we’ve all been there. But fret no more, because this blog is your instant indexing cheat sheet. Buckle up, we’re about to turbocharge your website’s Google debut.

1. Sitemaps: Your Google Guidebook:

Think of a sitemap as a detailed map for Googlebot, the friendly crawler who scours the web. Create an XML sitemap listing all your important pages, then submit it in Google Search Console (GSC). It’s like handing Google a treasure map to all your hidden SEO gems.

2. GSC: Your Indexing BFF:

GSC isn’t just for monitoring; it’s a powerful indexing tool. Use the URL Inspection tool to submit individual pages for immediate consideration. Think of it as politely knocking on Google’s door and saying, “Excuse me, sir, this page is awesome, please index it now!”

3. Internal Linking: SEO’s Invisible Bridges:

Connect your website’s pages with relevant internal links. This not only helps users navigate but also shows Google the relationships between your content. It’s like building SEO highways, guiding crawlers to every nook and cranny of your site.

4. The Power of Pinging:

Once you’ve updated your site or published new content, consider sending a “ping” to Google through services like Pingomatic or SubmitURL. It’s like sending a smoke signal, alerting Google that something fresh and delicious awaits indexing.

5. The Social Butterfly Approach:

Share your new content on social media! Google loves social signals, and seeing your content generate buzz can trigger faster indexing. Plus, you might just attract some early visitors in the process.

Earning backlinks from high-quality websites is like getting a glowing recommendation from industry experts. Google sees these links as votes of trust, boosting your website’s authority and potentially speeding up indexing.

7. Freshness Matters:

Regularly updating your website with new content keeps Google interested and coming back for more. Think of it like replenishing the SEO buffet – fresh content means Googlebot is more likely to crawl and index your pages more frequently.

8. Don’t Block the Bots:

Check your robots.txt file. This file tells search engines which pages to crawl and avoid. Make sure the pages you want indexed aren’t accidentally blocked. It’s like removing the “Do Not Enter” sign from your SEO party.

9. Indexing Plugins: Automation to the Rescue:

For WordPress users, plugins like Rank Math and Yoast SEO can automate index submissions and pinging services. It’s like having a helpful SEO assistant taking care of the technical nitty-gritty.

10. The Patience Play:

Remember, instant isn’t always instantaneous. While these tips can accelerate indexing, Google has its own crawling schedule. Relax, monitor your GSC, and trust that your awesome website will soon be gracing the search results.

Bonus Tip:

Don’t obsess over instant indexing. Focus on creating high-quality content and building a strong website, and the indexing will follow naturally. Think of it as running an SEO marathon, not a sprint.

So, there you have it, your toolkit for getting Google indexing your website like a supersonic SEO jet. Remember, consistent effort and high-quality content are your best friends in the long run. Now go forth and conquer the search engine kingdom!


Q1: My new website is not visible on Google. What can I do to get it indexed fast?

Begin by making a map of your website, called an XML sitemap. Share it with Google through Google Search Console (GSC). Make Google notice your website by using the URL Inspection tool in Google Search Console. Connect your website’s pages, share your content on social media, and get links from other sites. These steps help Google index your website more quickly.

Q2: What’s the significance of an XML sitemap in indexing my website on Google?

An XML sitemap acts as a guide for Googlebot, helping it discover and index important pages on your website. It’s like a treasure map that directs Google to all the valuable content.

Q3: How can I use Google Search Console (GSC) to accelerate indexing?

GSC is not just for monitoring; it’s a powerful indexing tool. Use the URL Inspection tool in GSC to submit individual pages for immediate consideration, speeding up the indexing process.

Internal linking connects your website’s pages, aiding user navigation and showcasing relationships to Google. It’s like building SEO highways that guide crawlers to explore your entire site.

Q5: Can social media activity impact the speed of website indexing on Google?

Yes, sharing your new content on social media can trigger faster indexing by generating social signals. Google takes notice of the buzz around your content.

Backlinks from high-quality websites serve as votes of trust for Google, boosting your website’s authority and potentially expediting the indexing process.

Q7: How does updating my website with fresh content influence Google’s indexing?

Regularly updating your website with new content keeps Google interested and encourages frequent crawling and indexing. It’s like replenishing the SEO buffet to maintain Googlebot’s attention.

Q8: What role does the robots.txt file play in website indexing on Google?

The robots.txt file informs search engines which pages to crawl and avoid. Ensure that pages you want indexed aren’t accidentally blocked, allowing Googlebot to explore your site freely.

Q9: Are there any automation tools for quicker indexing, especially for WordPress users?

Yes, plugins like Rank Math and Yoast SEO for WordPress can automate index submissions and pinging services, streamlining the technical aspects of indexing.

Q10: How long does it take for Google to index a website, even with these strategies?

The indexing process varies, and instant results aren’t guaranteed. While these strategies can accelerate indexing, Google follows its own crawling schedule. Patience is key, and monitoring GSC will provide insights into the progress.

Q11: Is instant indexing essential, or can I focus on other aspects of my website for long-term success?

Instant indexing is beneficial, but it’s not the sole focus. Prioritize creating high-quality content and building a strong website for sustainable success. Think of it as running an SEO marathon rather than a sprint.

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