At Info Impact Hub, we pride ourselves on delivering 100% unique, in-depth, and impactful news. But accuracy and fact-checking are the cornerstones of our mission. We believe in providing our readers with reliable information they can trust, and that’s why we have a robust fact-checking policy in place.

Our Commitment to Accuracy

  • Verification and Research: Every story published on Info Impact Hub undergoes rigorous fact-checking. Our team of experienced editors and researchers verify sources, cross-reference information, and ensure all claims are backed by credible evidence. We don’t rely on press releases or echo chambers; we go the extra mile to find the truth.
  • Transparency and Attribution: We clearly cite our sources and evidence for all claims made in our stories. This allows you, the reader, to follow the trail of information and verify it yourself. We believe in transparency and accountability in everything we do.
  • Corrections and Updates: We are committed to correcting any errors that may appear in our stories. If you notice a mistake, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We value your feedback and appreciate your help in maintaining the accuracy of our content.

Our Fact-Checking Process

  • Topic Expertise: Our team is composed of subject matter experts in various fields, ensuring we have the necessary knowledge and understanding to verify complex information.
  • Multi-Source Verification: We don’t rely on single sources or unverified claims. We cross-reference information with multiple credible sources, including official documents, academic research, and reputable news outlets.
  • Independent Verification: We utilize independent fact-checking organizations and databases to verify information, especially when dealing with controversial or sensitive topics.
  • Expert Consultation: For complex or specialized topics, we consult with experts in the field to ensure the accuracy of our reporting.

Holding Ourselves Accountable

  • Editorial Review: All stories go through a rigorous editorial review process, where editors double-check facts and ensure the information is accurate and unbiased.
  • Peer Review: We encourage our readers to hold us accountable by providing feedback and pointing out any potential errors. We value your input and use it to continuously improve our fact-checking practices.
  • Public Correction Policy: If we discover an error in a published story, we promptly issue a public correction and update the article accordingly. We believe in transparency and taking responsibility for any mistakes we may make.

Info Impact Hub: Where Truth Meets Impact

By adhering to these principles, we strive to maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity and factual accuracy. We believe that accurate and reliable information is essential for a healthy democracy and a well-informed citizenry. Join us on our mission to make the world a more informed and impactful place, one story at a time.

If any reader identifies an error, they should promptly contact to editor-in-chief ( RV Soni ), via email, phone, mail, or in person.


Subject: Correction Required

An official correction requires direct contact with us. Corrections sent to other staff members at may not receive prompt attention or be addressed.

When submitting corrections via email or mail, please include details such as the correction itself, the publication date or number, where the error was observed (online, in print, etc.), the reader’s name, and contact information (phone number or email). Additionally, readers should provide the accurate information along with its source, if available

Upon submission, the reader can anticipate a response from the editor-in-chief. Further communication might be necessary for clarification or to gather additional information. It’s important to note that submitting a correction ensures investigation of the error, but does not guarantee issuance of a correction notice.